“Director Paul Tomlinson shows the same concentrated, pared-down approach; this is watching the action through a magnifying glass and it is very powerful. The cast of three give performances that stand up to it”
“The strength of the performances, combined with the magnificence of Keeffe’s script and Paul Tomlinson’s precise direction, completely take control of the audience.”
“gripping theatre… demonstrates the excellence to be found on London’s fringe” designed by Chris Pybus 2018
“This is a powerful piece: tersely directed… brutally acted”Whats on Stage“makes for such gripping theatre that is at times unbearable to watch”
“This intense play successfully makes a very strong political point. The projections at the end are powerful…the play is just as relevant today”British Theatre Guide“This is a passionate piece of high quality theatre that is as relevant today as when it was first stage over thirty years ago”